Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ski Tour on Mt. Aire

A week ago from this past Thursday I went on a dawn patrol ski tour of Mt. Aire. I was invited by my friend Kendall to join him and a couple of his friends for the patrol. For those of you who don't know, Mt. Aire is the peak that you can't miss when driving east on I-80 from Park City to Salt Lake City. As you roll over Parley's Summit you can help but see Mt. Aire staring you in the face.

We started about 6:00 am and after 3100 feet of vertical ascent and 90 minutes of hiking we crested onto the summit just after the sun came up. Here's the pics of the surrounding area:

Looking down our skin track.

Looking at the sun.

Looking towards East Canyon.

The obligatory self-portrait.

It was great to look down at the highway every once in awhile and see all the people droning along on their way to work while I was breating the crisp mountain air and getting in some turns.


Anonymous said...
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Milly said...

looks awesome!

Eric and Jessi said...

I'm jealous...