Wednesday, November 29, 2006

No Baby, EVER!

That isn't exactly true, but our baby certainly does not want to come out and see us. I know we aren't at the "due date" yet, but I want the baby! Both Jess and I are very anxious to have the baby with us. This whole time I kept saying the baby would come on November 29th (today) and I was absolutely sure I was going to be right. Oh well. We just hope the baby comes soon.

It has been wicked cold here the past couple of days. Last night it was in the low single digits and will be the same or colder tonight. It nuked up in the mountains with parts of Alta receiving 39". I can't wait to get out again and enjoy the white, fluffy goodness. I also can't wait for Jess to be able to get out and start doing the stuff she loves again. I will certainly watch the baby so she can go. All we need now is for the baby to come and see us!!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

It's Getting Closer

It is almost baby time! As of tomorrow Jess is 8 days away from her due date! It is kind of weird to think about and yet it is very exciting. We keep talking about how "tonight could be the last night that it is just us". We like not knowing when the baby will come. There is anticipation that builds a little each day. "Will the baby come today?" "Am I going to get a phone call while I am at work today?". Needless to say, we are very excited and can't wait for this little baby to come into this world and see us.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Too Much Chocolate!

Yesterday was the 3rd annual chocolate show in Salt Lake. I went with my mom, aunt, and brother. It was a good time. It was a fairly small show so it didn't take too much time to walk around. I tried a slew of different chocolates from a variety of companies and chocolatiers. Within about 20 minutes of being there I was feeling slightly ill from eating too much chocolate too fast. I learned some interesting facts about chocolate and about some ways it is made. There was an area where you could make some goodies. I made a couple of caramel chocolate pretzel rods and a bag of Belgian Vanilla Hot Cocoa.

Being there and watching the pros make desserts made me miss my past culinary jobs. It brought back memories of being a line cook at the Cadillac Grille in Jackson Hole. I miss making their dessert plates and being in that fast-paced restaurant environment. Mmmm, dessert.

Friday, November 10, 2006


Our Dell desktop bit the dust the other night. It decided that it doesn't want to turn on anymore. Of course Dell has an amazing website where you can't find any information about what you need or need to do. I am currently chatting with their live help, which is very slow. The rep is probably helping other customers at the same time. So apparently we need to get a new motherboard. Not too stoked on that. What confounds me is there is no information on the Dell website about spare parts like motherboards. The only way you can find out is by calling sales or spare parts. For being a web-only firm, they aren't very good about having information about their products online.

It has cooled off here the past few days. It snowed as well, but all of the snow that stuck here melted off. It is signs that winter is getting close. It is almost time to start wearing shoes, but Chaco's will out for a couple more weeks.

The baby will be here soon. We are very excited about the new arrival. Everyday we get more and more excited and the anticipation builds. I can't wait to find out what we are having. It is going to be awesome.

There hasn't been too much activity as of late. Mostly just bouldering a couple times a week. It is now dark by the time I get home from work. That poses interesting hurdles to trail running. I won't give in and run on the roads because it hurts. I can't wait for ski season to start.