Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

It's been awhile since my last post. I'm not really a slacker, we were in Colorado all last week. I'll have a post about our trip in the next few days.

So Jessica thought that Father's Day was next Sunday and hadn't bought the present she was planning on getting me for this past Sunday so today she picked it up and had it waiting for me when got home from work. What did she get me? The Poang chair from Ikea!

I've wanted one of these chairs since the first time I saw one about 6 years ago. She got it for me for a combined Father's Day and birthday present. I was completely surprised and blown away that she got it for me. We had talked previously about getting one but decided to wait.

My favorite part was Penelope helped me put it together. She grabbed one of the little hex wrenches that came with all the bolts and went around to all of the bolts "tightening" them as we went. She was adorable. Jessica made some quick work with the camera and got these great shots:

The chair is wicked comfortable! I absolutely love it. Let me know if you want to come over and take it for a test drive.


Becca said...

Hmm, someone's been spammed! Or you've been visiting a lot of lottery blogs lately...
I'd like to come visit your chair!

Eric Miller said...

I've had a few spam comments before, but nothing quite like that. They are all taken care of now though. ;)

Let us know when you'll be in town and you can definitely come visit the chair.

Milly said...

I love Penelope helping!