Bike Commuting Highlights
- 175 total days bike commuting
- Logged 1,593 miles bike commuting
- Burned 56,735 calories commuting
- Had 4 car driven days (this was either driving myself or by Jess & the girls
- I know there were some bus days in Cincinnati but I didn't keep track of them. I'd probably say 10
- 37 days riding recreationally (this is mountain and errands [yes I consider riding the bike for errands recreation])
- Logged 249 rec miles
- Burned about 8,726 calories riding rec
- In total logged 212 'days' on the bike for a total of 1,842 miles, and burned about 65,461...not too shabby
Book List
Here's the book list, by month (once again, the book is logged in the month I finished it).
- Three Against Hitler
- Basic Soap Making - All the Skills & Tools You Need to Get Started
- Farewell, My Subaru
- Omnivore's Dilemma
- The Good Earth - Pearl S Buck
- Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads: New Techniques, Extraordinary Flavors
- Parenting with Love & Logic for Early Childhood
- The Market Planning Guide, 6th Edition, David H. Bangs
- In Defense of Food
- Strategic Market Management, 8th Edition, David A. Aaker
- Consumer Behavior, 1st Edition, Frank Kardes
- Unleashing the Ideavirus
- Marketing Mangement: The Big Picture
- The Way of Herbs
- Winning at Retail: Developing a Sustained Model for Retail Success
- Fablehaven Book 5: Keys to the Demon Prison
- The Backyard Beekeeper: Revised & Updated: An Absolute Beginners Guide to Keeping Bees in Your Yard and Garden
- The Natural Soap Book: Making Herbal and Vegetable-Based Soaps
- Making natural liquid soaps : herbal shower gels, conditioning shampoos, moisturizing hand soaps, luxurious bubble baths, and more--
- Milk-based Soaps: Making Natural, Skin Nourishing Soap
- Hunger Games
- Moves & Miracles: My Sister and I (Grandma Johnson's story)
- Catching Fire (Hunger Games #2)
- Mockingjay (Hunger Games #3)
- Eragon
- Just in Case: How to be self-sufficient when the unexpected happens
- Mini Farming: self sufficiency on a 1/4 acre
- The Lost Symbol
- True Blue (Baldacci)
The Body Journal
Here's all the ways I injured myself in 2010. I had to feel it for at least 2 days to make the cut.
That rounds out 2010 in terms of journals. So I ask again, does anyone else keep any nontraditional journals?